


Mollie has a flighty behaviour and lacks the ability to concentrate. However, Mollies concentration has improved with age. Earlier we had to catch her attention, when she lost her concentration. Furthermore, Mollie has difficulties when trying to learn new things, and it takes a long time for her to acquire new competences.


We help her to get a general view of the activity by using a Boardmaker. We try to improve her ability to concentrate by using a timer. This means that she has to focus on the activity until the timer rings. We also try to teach her to clean up after herself before moving on to the next activity.
Mollie plays simple games on the computer. We bought a touch screen and a trackball, which has proven to be a very good idea, and she is very good at using these new tools.
Mollie is not able to handle to many sense impressions and stimuli at once, so it is important to create the learning situations in known surroundings and not force her in to large gatherings.
In order for Mollie to learn, you need to repeat it many times.